"The Hellenic Spirit of Clear Lake”
Greetings. AHEPA, "American Hellenic Educational and Progressive Association" is an international fraternal organization dedicated to education, philanthropy and advancement of the Hellenic Heritage. Our local chapter with few dedicated members have accomplished a lot during their existence. Our yearly Valentine's Day dinner-dance has provided funds for approximately $35,000 in scholarships to over 100 deserving students in our community. Additionally the chapter has paid for expansion and renovations for the parish home and provided the church with $40,000 for the purchase of the Slossen Property. The chapter also sponsors the Saint John's Agape luncheon on Easter Day at the church. Since AHEPA's founding in 1922 the organization has worked very closely with the Greek Orthodox Church. In philanthropy, AHEPA is in the forefront with donations to worthy causes. Additionally the AHEPA organizations owns and maintains housing for elderly in the USA. Like any organization, however, the membership has to be sustained. It can't be supported by just a few "old timers". Some chapters have ceased to exist, due to lack of interest. Let's not let this happen to the Clear Lake Chapter. We invite all male members of the community to become and or reinstate their membership to AHEPA. Our annual dues are just $75/yr. AHEPA as a family organization also has women's chapters as well as youth chapters. A Daughter of Penelope women’s chapter CHRYSIES Chapter 424 has been established alongside with the men’s AHEPA chapter.
For more information on joining the local AHEPA family (men’s or women’s) and availability of scholarships (local, district, or national) please contact the church or members of the local chapter. You are always welcome.
2022-2023 Chapter Officers:
President: Dimitris "Jimmy" Tsiantopoulos
Vice President: Allen Nelson
Secretary: George Zacharias
Treasurer: Jerry Marvel III
Shake the winter blues... Details to follow regarding AHEPA's annual Valentine's Dinner Dance held in February every year....