Christian stewardship means that I own nothing. Everything I have belongs to God. He has loaned it to me. I am committed to use it responsibly, and one day, I will have to answer to Him for my use or misuse of His gifts. I am the manager of God’s gifts: my time, my talents, my possessions, my body, my soul – everything belongs to
Saint Paul asks us, “What have you that you have not received?” Money, for example, becomes a sacrament when it is offered to God. It becomes a visible
expression of our commitment, faith, and love for Jesus. Once given to God, our gifts are consecrated by the Holy Spirit, who then translates them into
works of mercy that bring glory to God. Father Anthony M. Coniaris (1926-2020
Stewardship helps defray the costs of keeping our doors open, thus spreading the word of Christian Orthodoxy throughout the Bay Area.
As you fill out your Stewardship pledge cards for 2023 first consider helping your church with your Time and Talents. Consider giving your Time for 2022, there are many ministries needing your help. Talk to Fr. Florin, any member of parish council, or contact the office.
We request that everyone complete a form for 2024 to enable us to update your information and – more importantly – so that the Parish Council will know the total amount of pledged monies expected to be available next year.
DOWNLOAD the 2024 Stewardship card.