Dance Groups
Every year at our Greek Festival, which is held in May, our guests (not to mention parents and grandparents of our dancers look forward to seeing our groups do some of the traditional Greek dances from the “old country”. We begin practicing our dances around the end of November and by the time Greek festival comes along we are ready to transport you, our guests, to mainland Greece and the islands through our traditional dancing. Come and join us for a weekend in Greece!!
St. John Angels:
This little team is eager to please… Anyone and everyone is welcome to dance with our Angels dancers! The age for this group is 3-12 years old. We start them young! Our Angels are very precious and they like to hear the applause after they finish their performance… so come on out and enjoy them like we do. COSTUMES:
BOYS- wear black slacks, white or black button up, black belt if needed, black dress shoes with black socks. You may also wear a sash if you have one.
GIRLS- If you already own a Greek dance costume, wear it with black character heels or ballet flats. If you DONT- Mothers typically purchase or make a Greek costume similar to the attached picture. Unfortunately, the church does not provide costumes at this time.
Download the registration 2023-2024 form
Here is a website of kids costumes ranging $64-80:
This is our teen to young adult group. Organized in 1994 when our church was formed, most of the dancers in the group come from our younger dance group, known as the “Angels.” The Asteria dance group primarily performs for our annual Greek Festival held on Mother’s Day weekend at Clear Lake Park. The dancers also perform at various neighboring churches’ annual Greek Festivals such as St. Basil the Great located west of Houston, and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Galveston. The group can also be seen dancing for various AHEPA groups and St. John the Theologian’s annual Glendi. They are proud of and very serious about staying with the traditional dances and costumes of Greece and their repertoire includes dances from Pontos, Cyprus, Crete, Pelloponese, the islands and mainland Greece.
Download the 2023-2024 registration form